点击蓝字 → 右上角设置星标★,跨境干货不错过跨境无忧ID:STLB-36HAPPY跨境电商:找平台,开账号,找产品,缺人才,要培训,欧洲VAT税务,国际商标专利,国内外公司注册,做账报税,银行开户,账号申诉,金融贷款,就上跨境无忧!黑五网一过后,亚马逊势必掀起一番退货潮,差评潮,对于卖家来说都是相当棘手的问题。前不久亚马逊在卖家后台的买家订单详情页面上方,发布了新通知:亚马逊为了进一步保护买家的个人信息,将不再显示买家的姓名和配送地址!这样的现象不仅出现在美国站、英国站和德国站,日本站的卖家也未能幸免。至此找买家删差评变得更难了!本篇整理了差评的专题内容,希望可以帮助卖家更好的处理此问题。卖家等级1、卖家使用5星系统来反馈等级:好评(Positive Feedback):5星或4星中评(Neutral Feedback):3星差评(Negative Fssdback):2星或1星2、亚马逊采用以下公式计算卖家的反馈评分:公式:反馈评分=好评总数/评价总数备注:评价总数是按照最好30、90、365天或一直以来累积的计算。例如,假设下面是某卖家各层次的评级分数好评总数(5星+4星)=90评价总数(1星到5星累加)=100反馈评分=好评总数/评价总数=90.0%
第一,服务商不一定可以删掉差评,一定要先删完再付款。第二,有些黑心商家删了差评,会盯上你,后面说不定会给你再上差评,让你找到他(毕竟有成功的案例)。第三,目前差评的权重在变大,原来一个差评可以上5个好评可以抵掉,现在可能要7-10个。第四,最根本的还是要注重沟通技巧,了解国外人的思维模式与他们沟通,通过售后沟通有效果的解决才是根本。第五,当单量到达一定的量,差评必然会出现,尽量把能沟通解差评决掉就可以了,实在删不掉留着也可以,显得真实一点。遇到亚马逊差评如何回复客户?1.道歉并对客户的不满评论表示理解以及慰问2.礼貌且专业的询问客户不满之处以及产品的不足3.表达乐意帮助、解决客户问题:如换货、退款4.衷心的感谢以及突出客户评论对自己的重要性,装可怜,夸赞记得!不管买家留下好评跟差评!首先先表明对对方愿意花时间写下 Reviews 致谢(礼貌要有礼貌!有时后你愿意提供免费商品给他,她还会跟 Amazon 检举你..)之后再开始表明对于 Reviews 差评的歉意与具体改善的方法(如真诚地道歉、提供退款),之后就是展现客服的诚意,让对方了解他的意见是被认真重视的,给予顾客被尊重的感觉。(以下为参考模板),比较重要的是,千万不可以跟买家协商:退款给您,但是请您留好评,这样的字句在。删除差评联系模板一Dear [名字],Thank you for purchasing with us.I would like to personally apologize for your experience with our [PRODUCT].We strive to offer the 100% satisfaction for all our customers and will dowhatever it takes to make you happy.We would be happy to send you a replacement or issue you a full refund.Please contact us directly at [YOUR EMAIL] to resolve this issue for you.Thank you for giving us the opportunity to make this rightSincerely,[YOUR NAME]删除差评联系模板二We are the newly established small business, we contribute to provide the best service and upgrade our product all the time. Customers review has a direct impact to our business. I hope you can change or cancel your assessment for us , because your assessment is very important to us. Hope you can understand.We are not US seller, we sell>you can contact us at any time for any issue.删除差评联系模板三Dear [名字]I see you ordered a XXX from our store, from your review, I understand that you are not satisfied with the product, Im really sorry for that.As a reliable seller>excellent service to our customers. So when I see your review, I feel very sad.Here I contact you want to do something to make up for you. Our company policy is 100% refund for any unsatisfactory order or customer, so if you agree, wed like to give you a full refund for it, do hope this shopping experience dont make you too much uneasy feeling.As a new seller, we respect every customer with thanking, we cherish every review, and do hopeyou can re-consider and help to update the review to 4 or 5 stars at your convenience, is that ok? We also will update the product description about the size clearly.Look forward to your reply.With best regards,删除差评联系模板四Dear [名字],We noticed that you just left us a review. We are terribly sorry that you are not100% satisfied with your purchase May I ask if there is anything wrong?Please simply write back and let us know how we can help. I personally promisethat I will respond as soon as possible and that we will do our best to make sureyou are 5 out 5 stars happy with our products and service. Your review is veryimportant to us. Hope you can understand and give us a chance to do it rightand make up for you 🙂Thank you again for your understanding and continuous support.Have a good day! Support Team删除差评联系模板五Dear xxx,Good day.We are so sorry to see the negative review without receiving any emails from you. So sorry for that our usb endoscope not able to meet your requirements, please accept our sincere apology.We have keep it and feedback it to our Research and Development department, and we will progress it>By the way, we would like to issue full refund for your order. Is it possible for you to update your review, it will help us a lot for a small Amaozn seller. Thanks a lot. Awaiting for your reply.Wish you a amazing day!Best Regards,如果买家愿意删除差评,可以让他按照以下步骤操作(以美国站为例)登陆亚马逊官网http://www.amazon.com/,在右上方点击You Account。选择Your Orders。下拉右边的日期范围选择订单日期,然后点击GO。找到订单位置,在左侧Order Placed日期下点击View Order Details查看订单详情。页面拉到Your Seller Feedback,点击Remove。选择一个移除评价的原因,点击Remove Feedback移除评价。备注:买家将有90天评价期限和60天的移除期限。如果评论旁边没有Remove(删除)按钮,说明60天移除期已过。如果是竞争对手的恶意差评
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