有人认为够无聊的,但我觉得挺治愈系的,多了一些无声的“陪伴”,更喜欢这个开发者的宣传语:A new friend in every tab。
Tabby Cat插件
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A new friend in every tab.
Tabby Cat is the extension that brightens your day with a new animal in every new tab.
Tabby Cat 是一个扩展程序,它在每个新标签中都用一种新动物照亮你的一天。
Tabby Cats blink, sleep, and even let you pet them – just like real cats! If youre really lucky, your Tabby Cats might leave goodies for you… but what will they bring? Take snapshots of your favorite ones to save them forever and ever.
虎斑猫眨眼、睡觉,甚至让你抚摸它们——就像真正的猫一样! 如果你真的很幸运,你的虎斑猫可能会为你留下好东西……但它们会带来什么呢? 拍摄您最喜欢的照片以永久保存它们。
Some toys attract combo kitties, which are cute little baby cats that only come out for special combinations of goodies. Find them all!
有些玩具会吸引组合小猫,它们是可爱的小猫宝宝,只会出现特殊组合的好东西。 全部找到!
Dont like cats? No problem! Now you can have other pets like Doggos, Penguins, Bunnies, Pigs, and more! For free!
不喜欢猫? 没问题! 现在您可以拥有其他宠物,例如狗狗、企鹅、兔子、猪等等! 免费!
Meow. <3
喵。 <3
P.S. Tabby Cat will never collect or sell your data.
附言 Tabby Cat 绝不会收集或出售您的数据。