周五. 1 月 10th, 2025


·第三方卖家是像你这样的人吗?在亚马逊上销售我们的产品amazon,我知道很多人都想知道,现在在亚马逊上卖是不是太晚了?亚马逊上的销售竞争太激烈了吗?确实有超过2.3个,一百万活跃卖家在亚马逊上销售,selling on Amazon。

→6. Most Amazon sellers are “bootstrappers.”on Amazon,and 32% spend less their own cash. Up-fron.We Best Sunday和近4000个新卖家。

→但亚马逊有超过3亿用户,but Amazon has over 300 million。Amazon has over 300 million active customer accounts and over 1.9 milion selling partners.主要的数字还会继续增长100000美元,and that number is gonna continue。

→指数级的指数级的数字已经开始了,现在是43%。In 2020,more than 200,andrght now 43percente wordbega sSlignn.亚马逊所有卖家中至少有10万美元的卖家,of all Amazon sellers have made at least 100,00。

所以在亚马逊上销售仍然是一个很好的机会。so selling on Amazon is still an amazing.事实上,今年将超过6场。

in fact this year there will be over six.(in billion U.S. dollars),网上消费万亿美元,triltion dollars spent online.这个数字还会继续增长,所有的在线销售都发生在亚马逊上。

→但是在美国,com but in the United States.Top 10 US PS4ed by NaOHed NaOH Ecommerce% of us retail 新闻新闻所发生在亚马逊上。

→50%的在线销售都发生在亚马逊上,co50 percent of all online sales happen on Amazon.所以这不仅是一个很好的机会,THIS IS not only is this still an amazing.这是一个机会还会继续增长,而现在正是开始的最佳时机。and right now is the perfect time to start.is THE PERFECT TIME,TO START SELLING PRODUCTS,selling products on Amazon,从来没有过。its never been easier to make money online and in this video。

我将一步一步地向你们展示,Im going to show you step by step,这个视频将包含 and this video is gonna contain information and tactics。

other people charge $1000 for 2000美元,但我会百分百免费送给你。but Im gonna give it to one 100 percent for free。在这个视频中,但警告你,你需要知道首要原因。

人们在亚马逊失败了 people fail with Amazon,他们最终没有推出一款产品吗?is they dont actually ever end up launching a product,大多数人都会陷入困境。

在分析中麻痹,这是你成功的唯一途径。and the only way that youre going to succeed。

如果你看了这个视频,is if you watch this video and also take action and trust me,采取行动,相信我。

Ive done millions of dollars in online sales。特拉维斯和我的网上销售额已经超过七百万了,sales Travis and Ivedone over S7 million in online。

我已经重新教过了,Ive since taught over 8000 students。


how to launch their own products on Amazon。

我要给你展示一条冒险的高速公路,and Im gonna show you a risk freeway,TO START YOUR开创自己的事业。


even if you have 0美元就可以O dollars you can 使用我将在这个市场中向展元的use the methods Im gonna show you in this video to create your own online business。

就在不久之前i was stuck in the corporate world,我讨厌我的工作,我想找到一种方法I hated my job and I wanted to find a way to get我的自由,所以我辞职了。


cold Turkey and tried every single way out there,在网上赚钱to make money online AFFILIATE MARKETING 从属营销Petit media marketing SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING 社交媒体营销降低航运你的名字social media marketing drop shipping you name我什么都试过了,但都没用。

I tried everything and nothing worked,直到我找到了这个方法。


Im gonna show you in this video to sell a product on Amazon.两个月内within two months,在亚马逊上发布我的第一款激情产品of launching my first passion product on Amazon.我赚了3万多美元。

I was making over 30 thousand dollars.每一个月every single month,利润超过1万美元。

thats over 10 thousand dollars profit.第一年结束时我已经改过自新了。

I had made over 10万美元,100 thousand dollars in 跟随收入这不是一个快速致富的计划,And this is not a get rich quick scheme,你不可能一夜之间成为百万富翁,youre not going to become a millionaire overnight。

但是如果你看这个视频,but if you follow this video,我可以保证一步一步来,你将能够成功地推出一个。

that youre going to be able to launch a successful 亚马逊的生意,得到你的自由。


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